Setting up your space

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It is important that during your 1-1 Nidra Healing, the space is atmospheric and effort has gone into your Ritual Space in order to get the most out of your experience.

Creating a ritual, tranquil space is the first act of self-care into rewiring your mind and thoughts to achieve a better life. Using the same equipment each time you practice your Nidra healing; will help you slip into the receptive state of mind, naturally and quicker each time.

The space:

  • Needs to be somewhere quiet where you wont be disturbed.

  • Big enough for you to lie down, flat on your back. Ideally on a yoga mat or carpet.

  • Dim atmospheric lighting/ darkness.

  • Candles, at least one.

  • Incense to enhance the senses.

  • You may want any special objects around you: crystals, flowers/plants, anything the makes you feel close to loved ones or spiritual guides.

Getting comfortable:

  1. When I practice my Nidra healings, I completely cocoon myself in blankets to offer security, comfort and nourishment for whatever may arise during the practice.

  2. You may want a bloster/rolled up towel to go under the knees, to release pressure in the lower back.

  3. A cushion under the head to support the neck.

  4. Maybe a hot water bottle on your stomach to keep you warm.

  5. Perhaps an eye cushion or piece of cloth to cover the eyes.

  6. Headphones is often a good idea to help shut out the outside world.


After practice you may feel slightly spaced out, so its a good idea to have some water and a snack (dark chocolate) accessible to you, to help you drop back into your physical body.

To help you process the experience further you may want to answer these journaling questions:

  • How did that session make me feel? Physically and emotionally?

  • What have I Learnt?

  • What goals, aims, and promises to myself, do I choose to make to help me be my happiest most radiant self?

  • What daily affirmations am I going to use to help me become more aligned to my truest self?